Invest your idle funds in time deposit accounts with maturities ranging from 6 months to 5 (or more) years. The amount and term of your time deposit account determine the interest payment frequency; we have several interest payment options available. All Time Deposit Products require a minimum balance of $500.
Opening Balance: Varies based on Term
Time Deposit Terms
- 6 Months – interest compounds on maturity
- 12 Months to 60 Months – interest compounds quarterly
Interest Payment
- 6 Months – paid on maturity by check or direct deposit
- 12 Months to 60 Months – paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually by check or direct deposit
Early Withdrawal Penalty
- 6-Month term: 3 Months interest at your current rate
- 12-Month term: 3 Months interest at your current rate
- 18-Month to 60-Month terms: 6 Months interest at your current rate

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Checking or Savings?
Look over our Personal Banking page for the account options you have. You may even choose to open an account online.